Candidates for office, campaign managers, activists and any citizen who wants to be thoroughy informed on this most critical issue may start here:
- CNN: Health care ruling can help Romney
William Bennett writes What the country thought was a debate over federal regulation of interstate trade has been transformed by Roberts into a debate over Congress' power to shape decisions through taxation.
- WSJ: A Strategy to Undo ObamaCare
Keith Hennessey writes: To push through key parts of the Affordable Care Act, Democrats used the 'reconciliation' process. A Republican president, House and Senate can use reconciliation to repeal them.
- The Cato Institute: Rarely Has Such a Smart Judge Written Such a Bad Opinion
John Robert's gain comes at the cost of Americans' liberties.
- WSJ: Romney's Tax Confusion
The candidate's response on the ObamaCare mandate reveals larger campaign problems.
- American Spectator: Time for One More Flip-Flop
Mitt Romney should admit his mandate was a mistake.
- The Hill: Fifteen governors reject or leaning against expanded Medicaid program
Elise Viebeck writes of a blow to President Obama’s promise of broader insurance coverage.
- WSJ: ObamaCare's Lost Tribe: Doctors
Daniel Henninger: The practice of medicine is the Obama health-care law's biggest loser.
- IRS Gets Ready for Obamacare Implementation
Lorum Ipsum
- Washington Examiner: Odds long to undo health care law
Senator Mitch McConnell says it's hard to unravel something of the magnitude of the 2,700-page health care law.
- WSJ: What Hath the Supreme Court Wrought?
Letters to the Editor of the Wall Street Journal
- On Obamacare's 'silver lining' — there is none
Mark J. Fitzgibbons says the constitutional rule of law lost.
- National Review: Pfizer’s Political CEO
Without the clout in the pharmaceutical world of Jeff Kindler, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act might never have passed. But the deal he cut ended up hurting his industry.
- Kaiser Heath News: Supreme Court
A compendium of articles relevant to this topic.
- AP/Washington Post: Beware the claims
Nothing in the law ensures that people happy with their policies now can keep them.
- The Cato Institute/National Review: The States Resist Obamacare
Michael D. Tanner writes that One of the few bright spots in the Supreme Court’s ruling on Obamacare was its 7–2 decision striking down the Obama administration’s attempt to blackmail states into going along with a massive and costly expansion of Medicaid.
- Hospital of Cards
How did we get here?
- The Cato Institute: A Strange Constitutional Win
Who would have thought we could win our Commerce Clause challenge while the Affordable Care Act is upheld?
- Government Medical "Insurance"
We've been warned for decades about the encroachment of government power into medicine.
- The Cato Institute: ObamaCare's Now a Bigger Mess
Last week's Supreme Court ruling actually added another layer of cost, complexity and political contentiousness to the bill.
- Times247: Mandate seen pushing church out of health care
Many Catholics are wondering whether their religious freedoms will survive.
- The Cato Institute: Why the Obamacare Ruling Matters
Much of the political Left remains mystified by the health-care law’s continued unpopularity.
- The Devilish Principles of Hillarycare
Remember the Democrat's 1993 attempt? Ignore history and unchanging principles at your peril.
- WSJ: A Vast New Taxing Power
The Chief Justice's ObamaCare ruling is far from the check on Congress of right-left myth.