- WSJ: Does the ObamaCare repeal vote matter?
243-176: More members of the House voted to repeal than had originally voted to pass, with 10 Democrats crossing over.
- Townhall Comedy: Chief Justice Roberts Offered a Job as the Conservative Commentator on MSNBC
- American Association of Physicians and Surgeons: Why ObamaCare must be repealed
How it can happen and what are the real answers. See also: http://aapsonline.org
- FoxNews: ObamaCare and the Road to Serfdom
John Stossel interviews Dr. Lee Hieb
- The Hill: GOP Rep. Gingrey: Health law like 'Boss Hogg'
Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.) compared the 2010 healthcare law to Boss Hogg, the crooked commissioner of the fictional Hazzard County, Ga., in the 1970s TV series "The Dukes of Hazzard."
- The Cato Institute: The Supreme Court's Obamacare Ruling: What Happens Next?
More Health care reform resources on the Obamacare page.