- Capitalism is the solution to all economic problems.
- Capitalism is the solution to all domestic political problems.
- Capitalism is the solution to all international political problems.
- Capitalism is the solution to all environmental problems.
- Capitalism is the only rational, viable economic system (in other words, the only one that actually works!).
- Capitalism is more beneficial to poor people than to rich people.
- Capitalism is the only morally defensible economic system.
- Capitalism is essential to the survival of the human race.
Unfortunately, these truths have been so obscurred by mushy thinking, emotional ideology and systematic assault on the part of the Western intellectual elite and news media, that the still most properous and free nation on Earth, the nation most commonly associated with Capitalism, can hardly be described as a truly capitalist nation today. The consequences of this, if not reversed, are extremely dire, not only for Americans, but for the entire world and human species.