Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Larry Greenfield Interview on the Howard Hyde Radio Show

The Howard Hyde Show is on the Conservative Commandos Radio Network.
This week's show will be broadcast at 5PM ET, 2PM PT Wednesday, June 29 on Philadelphia's WNJC AM 1360; Catch it LIVE on the web at

Wednesday, July 6 Show Segments (6-10 minutes each):
1. Second Amendment Update: California Governor Brown Signs Ant-Gun Laws (NRA-ILA)
2. The Godmother Donna Corleone Clinton Update: The Benghazi Report (WSJ)
3. Larry Greenfield Interview Part 1
4. Larry Greenfield Interview Part 2
5. Larry Greenfield Interview Part 3
6. Larry Greenfield Interview Part 4
7. Firearm Safety Rules