The best lecture ever given on the Founding Fathers of the United States, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution... is in Spanish, presented by José Piñera at the Universidad Francisco Marronquin in Guatemala in 2010, to an audience of students from all over Latin America.
Piñera is the former finance minister of Chile who, inspired and advised by the Nobel Prize-winning American economist Milton Friedman, reformed the Chilean social security system into one of individual, privately owned accounts; whose success has been immitated around the world from Mexico to Poland (if only it could reach the USA!). His reform bill was passed on November 4, 1980, the same day that Ronald Reagan was elected President of the United States, and implemented beginning on May 1 (May Day, a.k.a. 'Communist Day') 1981.
If you understand Spanish, or have hispanic friends and acquaintances who want to understand our great nation better, recommend they watch this. Even if you don't understand Spanish, listen and watch anyway. The clues you will pick up will amaze you. For example, how do you say "We hold these truths to be self-evident"? "Sostenemos que estas verdades son evidentes en si mismos..."
Read more and watch it here: Los Principios Fundamentales de Estados Unidos.