Over a third of the traffic to this site comes from outside of the United States. Here is the breakdown for the past 30 days:
United States: 64%
Ukraine: 13%
China: 8%
Germany: 4%
Russia: 2%
Slovenia: 2%
Bulgaria: 1%
Israel: 1%
France: 1%
Poland: 1%
Others: 1%
If you are one of HHCapitalism's international readers, we would like to hear from you. Post a comment on an article that interests you or write the editor at HHCapitalism@gmail.com. What do you think about the content of this site? What are your thoughts about America and/or your home country, historically and/or today, its economic development and direction? Do you think America and/or your home country is ascendant or in decline? What lessons about economics and capitalism are you finding valuable, which ones less so? What improvements would you make?
Best regards.