President Obama complained Thursday that "despite all the evidence that the (Affordable Care Act) is working the way it was supposed to for middle-class Americans, Republicans in the House of Representatives voted — for nearly the 40th time — to dismantle it."
What Obama didn't say is that he himself has signed three bills that dismantled chunks of ObamaCare. Nor did he mention that his administration has had to issue hundreds of waivers and delay key features that weren't working. Or how the Supreme Court found a major provision unconstitutional. Or that many Democrats want other parts of the law thrown out. Obama also failed to mention the growing opposition from unions that once backed ObamaCare. One has called for its outright repeal, while saying the law will hurt middle class families.
Indeed, the closer ObamaCare gets to its official start, the more it appears not to be working at all in the way it's supposed to.
Read the full article at Investor's Business Daily.