The report by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office is the first authoritative estimate of the human and fiscal cost from the administration's unexpected one-year delay announced July 2 of the employer mandate - a requirement for larger businesses to provide health coverage for their workers or pay a penalty.
Read the complete article at
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Obamacare Accelerating U.S. Towards A Part-Time Nation
Obamacare is accelerating a disturbing trend towards “a nation of part-timers.” This is not good news for America.
Read the complete article at
Read the complete article at
Defunding: Framers’ Remedy For Presidential Lawlessness
Obama does not have the authority to choose which parts of the law are enforced. In 1975, the Supreme Court ruled unanimously against President Nixon’s inflated claims that he could selectively carry out the law.
Read the complete article by Betsy McCaughey at
Read the complete article by Betsy McCaughey at
What the [Un]affordable Care Act Has Already Accomplished
The Unaffordable Care Act (UCA) or ObamaCare, has already achieved much of what its architects intended—if you agree that the purpose if the law was to:
Read the complete article at American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS).
- line the pockets of certain connected cronies
- create an industry-wide consolidation in the insurance and hospital business
- inject mass chaos into the already dysfunctional medical marketplace
- generate fear amongst physicians such that many would succumb to the hostile takeover offers of the rich hospitals
- implement the most egregious breach of patient confidentiality by collecting private health information and records
Read the complete article at American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS).
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Obamacare national marketing campaign to cost $700 million
As President Barack Obama's health care law moves from theory to reality in the coming months, its success may hinge on whether the best minds in advertising can reach one of the hardest-to-find parts of the population: people without health coverage.
The campaign won't come cheap: The total amount to be spent nationally on publicity, marketing and advertising will be at least $684 million, according to data compiled The Associated Press from federal and state sources.
Read the complete article at
Read the complete article at
Obama’s Misleading Obamacare Claims
In reality, Obamacare causes health care premiums to skyrocket—even in the much-touted California market. Obamacare will increase individual health insurance premiums [in California] by 64 to 146% in one year.
Read the complete article at Accuracy in Media.
Read the complete article at Accuracy in Media.
The Myths of Single-Payer Health Care
Here are some of the more prominent single-payer myths:
Myth No. 1: Everyone has access to health care a single-payer system.
Myth No. 2: Claims of rationing are exaggerated.
Myth No. 3: A single-payer system would save money on administrative costs.
Myth No. 4: Single-payer will provide fair and quality care for everyone.
Myth No. 5: Single-payer leaves medical decisions to patients & doctors.
Myth No. 6: Single-payer systems achieve better health outcomes.
Myth No. 7: The U.S. systems also engages in rationing.
Myth No. 8: A single-payer system will not hamper medical research.
Myth No. 9: Single-payer will save money as patients seek care earlier.
Myth No. 10: The free market in health care has failed in the U.S.
Read the complete article at
Myth No. 1: Everyone has access to health care a single-payer system.
Myth No. 2: Claims of rationing are exaggerated.
Myth No. 3: A single-payer system would save money on administrative costs.
Myth No. 4: Single-payer will provide fair and quality care for everyone.
Myth No. 5: Single-payer leaves medical decisions to patients & doctors.
Myth No. 6: Single-payer systems achieve better health outcomes.
Myth No. 7: The U.S. systems also engages in rationing.
Myth No. 8: A single-payer system will not hamper medical research.
Myth No. 9: Single-payer will save money as patients seek care earlier.
Myth No. 10: The free market in health care has failed in the U.S.
Read the complete article at
Oregon Libertarians to Obamacare: Don’t Fence Me In
Ben Nanke, a 20-year-old aspiring songwriter and filmmaker from Salem, was none-too-pleased to see the glossy odes to Obamacare that will run in Oregon at a cost to taxpayers of some $9.9 million. Who can blame him? The videos claim Obamacare will make you healthier and live longer, even though there is zero reliable evidence that’s the case, and much evidence to suggest it won’t.
Read the complete article at The Cato Institute.
Read the complete article at The Cato Institute.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Behind the Times’ ObamaCare ‘News’
The Obama administration has been quick to seize on a report last week in The New York Times that the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as ObamaCare, will reduce premiums for individually purchased insurance in New York from $1,000 per month to just $300, a phenomenal 70 percent reduction. ObamaCare is a success! Happy days are here again.
Or not.
Read the complete article at The Cato Institute.
More health reform information on the Obamacare page.
Or not.
Read the complete article at The Cato Institute.
More health reform information on the Obamacare page.
Under Obamacare, Small Business Owners Will Take Big HIT in 2014
Several small business owners told Congress they don’t know how they will stay afloat when the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’s Health Insurance Tax (HIT) raises insurance premiums by as much as $500 per employee in 2014.
Read the complete article at
Read the complete article at
Moderate Democrats are quitting on Obamacare
The landmark health-reform law passed in 2010 has never been very popular and always highly partisan, but a new Washington Post-ABC News poll finds that a group of once loyal Democrats has been steadily turning against Obamacare: Democrats who are ideologically moderate or conservative.
Read the complete article at The Washington Post.
Read the complete article at The Washington Post.
A union cloud over Obamacare as broken promises infuriate the president’s base
Even people you think would be solid Obama supporters are waking up to the more damaging aspects of the Affordable Care Act.
The Teamsters and two other major unions sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi this week, writing: “When you and the president sought our support for the Affordable Care Act, you pledged that if we liked the health plans we have now, we could keep them. Sadly, that promise is under threat.”
Read the complete article at The Washington Times.
Read the complete article at The Washington Times.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Bend The Healthcare Cost Curve Downward By Letting Healthcare Costs Rise
Policymakers tend to focus on the six-figure price tag of a new drug or technology. But they ignore the long-term value that medical innovations can bring — for both patients and the broader economy.
Read the complete article by Sally Pipes at
Read the complete article by Sally Pipes at
Monday, July 22, 2013
A CEO's-Eye View of Obamacare
The new law's success depends on young, healthy people who are lower-risk signing up for health insurance to offset the costs of insuring individuals who are at higher risk. If predominantly high-risk individuals sign up, health insurance is going to be very expensive. Yet, even after the ACA takes effect, people will still be able to get medical care at the emergency room. Further, the ACA prohibits insurers from denying coverage because of pre-existing conditions. In other words, individuals will no longer have much incentive to get health insurance as a hedge against the possibility of developing a medical condition. The ACA's incentive for young workers to pay for coverage is a penalty (or tax) on uninsured individuals. The penalty in 2014 is $95 or 1% of household income, whichever is greater. It increases in 2016 to $695 or 2.5% of household income, whichever is greater.
Read the complete article at The Wall Street Journal.
Read the complete article at The Wall Street Journal.
Unions Wake Up to Obamacare's Living Nightmare
For years, unions have stood behind President Obama’s health care reforms, dismissing the concerns raised by AFP and millions of Americans as right-wing propaganda. But now that the law’s unintended consequences are becoming visible as implementation looms, Big Labor has begun to change its tune. Last Thursday, the Teamsters, UFCW, and UNITE-HERE heads sent a letter to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid speaking some tough words on ObamaCare.
Read the complete article at
Read the complete article at
Saturday, July 20, 2013
ObamaCare Encourages Companies To Drop Health Benefits; Taxpayers Get Stuck With the Bill
There is an unambiguous incentive now for employers to stop providing health insurance, prepare to pay the penalty, and send their employees to the exchanges instead where they can get much-more-heavily subsidized coverage.
The ones who are harmed, of course, are taxpayers who will be paying hundreds of billions of dollars more to provide health insurance coverage for people who previously were getting it through their employers.
Income verification is one of the most complex parts of ObamaCare implementation that requires cross-checking information on each application with seven different government agencies.
Read the full article at The Galen Institute.
The ones who are harmed, of course, are taxpayers who will be paying hundreds of billions of dollars more to provide health insurance coverage for people who previously were getting it through their employers.
Income verification is one of the most complex parts of ObamaCare implementation that requires cross-checking information on each application with seven different government agencies.
Read the full article at The Galen Institute.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Democrats' anxiety over Obamacare shows
Vulnerable House Democrats laid low Thursday after voting to delay two key ObamaCare mandates over a White House veto threat.
Read the complete article at The
Read the complete article at The
“Tax Expenditures”: Not Taxing Is Allegedly Spending
Runaway government spending is among the most important economic problems of our time. It is absolutely urgent that it be brought under control and progressively reduced until it is sufficient to provide for no more than the essential government functions of defense and justice. Only then will the citizens have the greatest possible individual freedom to decide how their earnings are spent and the greatest possible motivation to increase their earnings and improve their standard of living.
Read the complete article by George Reisman at The Ludwig von Mises Institute.
Read the complete article by George Reisman at The Ludwig von Mises Institute.
10 Ways ObamaCare Is Not Working As It's Supposed To
President Obama complained Thursday that "despite all the evidence that the (Affordable Care Act) is working the way it was supposed to for middle-class Americans, Republicans in the House of Representatives voted — for nearly the 40th time — to dismantle it."
What Obama didn't say is that he himself has signed three bills that dismantled chunks of ObamaCare. Nor did he mention that his administration has had to issue hundreds of waivers and delay key features that weren't working. Or how the Supreme Court found a major provision unconstitutional. Or that many Democrats want other parts of the law thrown out. Obama also failed to mention the growing opposition from unions that once backed ObamaCare. One has called for its outright repeal, while saying the law will hurt middle class families.
Indeed, the closer ObamaCare gets to its official start, the more it appears not to be working at all in the way it's supposed to.
Read the full article at Investor's Business Daily.
What Obama didn't say is that he himself has signed three bills that dismantled chunks of ObamaCare. Nor did he mention that his administration has had to issue hundreds of waivers and delay key features that weren't working. Or how the Supreme Court found a major provision unconstitutional. Or that many Democrats want other parts of the law thrown out. Obama also failed to mention the growing opposition from unions that once backed ObamaCare. One has called for its outright repeal, while saying the law will hurt middle class families.
Indeed, the closer ObamaCare gets to its official start, the more it appears not to be working at all in the way it's supposed to.
Read the full article at Investor's Business Daily.
Employer Mandate Delay Slams Taxpayers
On July 3, the Obama administration said that it won’t enforce the Affordable Care Act’s employer mandate until 2015, though the law says it must start Jan 1, 2014. The cost to the taxpayers will be huge.
White House adviser Valerie Jarrett depicted the change as a mere tweaking. Some tweaking: It will affect 10 million workers.
Read the full article by Betsy McCaughey at
White House adviser Valerie Jarrett depicted the change as a mere tweaking. Some tweaking: It will affect 10 million workers.
Read the full article by Betsy McCaughey at
The NY Times Tries -- And Fails -- To Protect Obamacare From Health Insurance 'Rate Shock'
Yesterday, fans of Obamacare were cheering. A front-page story in the New York Times announced that individuals shopping for health insurance in New York would see their premiums halved, based on figures released by the Andrew Cuomo administration. It was an “extraordinary decline” that “demonstrates the profound promise” of Obamacare, said one supporter of the law. But the cheerleaders are wrong. New York’s premiums will remain among the costliest in the nation, after Obamacare becomes fully operational. And the unique history of how the Empire State destroyed its individual health-insurance market—using policies quite similar to Obamacare’s—will translate, at best, to only a handful of other states.
Read the complete article at
Read the complete article at
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Obama to Congress: Only I Can Amend ObamaCare
President Obama has threatened to veto a bill that would codify his own policy of repealing the employer mandate for one year. He supports rewriting federal law – but only if he does it. Not if Congress does it.
Read the complete article at The Cato Institute.
Read the complete article at The Cato Institute.
Big Labor Wakes Up to ObamaCare
Every revolution devours its children, but it's still surprising to see some of ObamaCare's keenest boosters deny paternity so soon after the birth. Witness the emotional volte-face from three top union leaders, warning that the program will "shatter not only our hard-earned health benefits, but destroy the foundation of the 40-hour workweek that is the backbone of the American middle class."
Read the complete article at The Wall Street Journal.
Read the complete article at The Wall Street Journal.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Stop the (Obamacare) World, I Want to Get Off
The foreign competition doesn't have to pay the Obamacare fines.
Read the complete article at American Thinker.
More health reform information on the Obamacare page.
Read the complete article at American Thinker.
More health reform information on the Obamacare page.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
GOP members debate voting for delay, partial repeal
House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) is backing leadership’s proposal to hold votes on delaying the employer and individual mandates in Obamacare. Some conservatives may balk, however, at supporting any measure that stops short of full repeal. “Do not get cute here,” RedState’s Erick Erickson warned Republicans in a blog post. “Americans sent Republicans to Washington to end Obamacare, not mend it. Repeal the whole damn thing, not parts.”
Read the complete article at National Review.
More health reform information on the Obamacare page.
Read the complete article at National Review.
More health reform information on the Obamacare page.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Why the President's ObamaCare Maneuver May Backfire
The president does not have the power to stop the implementation of a law. If there is one bedrock constitutional legal principle, it is that the president must "faithfully execute" federal statutes. He cannot suspend laws he dislikes on policy grounds or because he fears their political consequences.
Read the complete article at The Wall Street Journal.
More health reform information on the Obamacare page.
Read the complete article at The Wall Street Journal.
More health reform information on the Obamacare page.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
What if President Romney had Suspended Obamacare?
What if Mitt Romney had won the election, and proceeded to disregard sections of Obamacare in precisely the manner President Obama is presently doing?
WASHINGTON – The Romney administration faces a political and legal crisis as blowback from its controversial decision to unilaterally suspend central elements of the Affordable Care Act continues to intensify...
“President Romney is openly defying the laws of the United States that he swore an oath to faithfully execute,” said the leader of an umbrella liberal interest group that was formed to promote the Affordable Care Act.
Read the complete article by Phil Kerpen at
More health reform information on the Obamacare page.
WASHINGTON – The Romney administration faces a political and legal crisis as blowback from its controversial decision to unilaterally suspend central elements of the Affordable Care Act continues to intensify...
“President Romney is openly defying the laws of the United States that he swore an oath to faithfully execute,” said the leader of an umbrella liberal interest group that was formed to promote the Affordable Care Act.
Read the complete article by Phil Kerpen at
More health reform information on the Obamacare page.
Tuesday, July 09, 2013
Delaying Obamacare’s Employer Mandate Is Illegal
Has Congress given Treasury the authority to waive the penalties? The answer is no. The employer-mandate penalties unequivocally take effect on January 1, 2014, and the PPACA gives the Treasury secretary no authority to postpone their imposition.
Read the complete article by Michael F Cannon at The Cato Institute.
More health reform information on the Obamacare page.
Read the complete article by Michael F Cannon at The Cato Institute.
More health reform information on the Obamacare page.
Monday, July 08, 2013
American Thinker: 'Obamacare: And Then a Miracle Happens'
To believe that Obamacare will all work out in the end is to believe that the whole is not only greater than the sum of the parts, but 180 degrees polar opposite of the sum of the parts.
Read the full article by Howard Hyde at
More Health care reform resources on the Obamacare page.
Read the full article by Howard Hyde at
More Health care reform resources on the Obamacare page.
Saturday, July 06, 2013
The Daily Caller: Obamacare economy pushes workers into part-time jobs
There’s one clear growth area in the Obamcare economy — the share of the nation’s workforce that is stuck in part-time jobs.
BLS Household Survey report for June says economy lost 240,000 full-time jobs, gained 360,000 part-time.
Read the full article at The Daily Caller.
More Health care reform resources on the Obamacare page.
BLS Household Survey report for June says economy lost 240,000 full-time jobs, gained 360,000 part-time.
Read the full article at The Daily Caller.
More Health care reform resources on the Obamacare page.
Friday, July 05, 2013
The Hill: 10 Obamacare Fumbles
The President's signature domestic policy initiative has suffered several self-inflicted wounds on the path toward full implementation.
1. The CLASS Act
2. The federal insurance exchange
3. The employer mandate
4. The small-business exchange
5. Waivers
6. 1099
7. Child-only plans
9. The Basic Health Plan
10. ObamaCare for congressional staff
Read the complete article at The Hill.
More health reform information on the Obamacare page.
1. The CLASS Act
2. The federal insurance exchange
3. The employer mandate
4. The small-business exchange
5. Waivers
6. 1099
7. Child-only plans
9. The Basic Health Plan
10. ObamaCare for congressional staff
Read the complete article at The Hill.
More health reform information on the Obamacare page.
Wednesday, July 03, 2013
Obamacare mandate delayed to give Dems breathing room
Does the delay in implementing the employer mandate past the 2014 midterm elections benefit more the Democrats or the Republicans?
Read the complete article at The Daily Mail.
More health reform information on the Obamacare page.
Read the complete article at The Daily Mail.
More health reform information on the Obamacare page.
Tuesday, July 02, 2013
Washington Times: Obamacare’s employer mandate put off for one year
The decision to delay one of the most controversial elements of the Affordable Care Act is sure to reverberate on Capitol Hill, where Republican lawmakers have bashed the law as a “job killer” and giddily repeated one Democratic author’s remark that the overhaul would be a “train wreck” if small business did not gain a better grasp of the reforms.
Read the complete article at The Washington Times.
Read the complete article at The Washington Times.
WSJ: Health Law Penalties Delayed
The provision of the law that requires individuals to carry health coverage or pay a fine, starting in 2014, remains in effect, the Treasury Department said. The delay only applies to the business penalties, but some experts predicted more changes could come.
Read the complete article at The Wall Street Journal.
Read the complete article at The Wall Street Journal.
The Hill: Obamacare Mandate Delayed
The ObamaCare employer mandate requiring businesses to provide their workers with health insurance will be delayed by a year, the administration said Tuesday in a stunning announcement.
Read the complete article at
More health reform information on the Obamacare page.
Read the complete article at
More health reform information on the Obamacare page.
Eat it, It's Good For You, Says Big Brother Senator Feinstein
We are losing our constitutional liberties and heading toward Big-Brother totalitarianism at a faster rate than at any time in the history of the United States of America, for the sake of social programs that are rammed down our throats on fraudulent premises and which can never fulfill their marketed promises.
Read the complete article at
More health reform information on the Obamacare page.
Read the complete article at
More health reform information on the Obamacare page.
Monday, July 01, 2013
Los Angeles Schools to get $1M to push Obamacare
According to the Heartland Institute, the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) will receive almost one million dollars to promote ObamaCare.
Read the complete article at
More health reform information on the Obamacare page.
Read the complete article at
More health reform information on the Obamacare page.
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